And our card...

One will be a panoramic of as much of the junk as you can fit in your view. Feel free to experiment with different angles, lighting and areas so you can really capture how the world might view this place.
The second is to find the place that is beautiful, it may be a patch of flowers or some tall trees or some cool graffiti on the side of a dumpster. Place your subject in the midst of the beauty and take a full body shot. Don’t be too far away because you’ll capture too much of the ugly. The key is getting close to the area so the ugly just sort of fades out, but not so close you can’t see any of the background – that will defeat the purpose.
The third photograph is the same as the one before but instead of focusing on the subject, focus on the background. To do this set your focal point on a flower or some graffiti and have your subject stand slightly to the left of the photograph or be doing something in the background.
Go crazy and be artistic with these, try multiple locations until you are happy with the result.
Be sure to post your photos! J